9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed .

 9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed the young and the old In GAZA.”

 Assalam o alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakata. I hope all of you will be InshaAllah . The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that over 8,000 children under five in Gaza suffer from acute malnutrition, with 1,600 cases being severe , These conditions of people due to lack of water and food . “Nothing is entering a posted on social media, a displaced Palestinian woman pleads for an end to the food shortage in northern Gaza. northern Gaza at all. No tomatoes, no potatoes. Hunger has killed the young and the old.

”Israel’s Atrocities in Gaza

”Israel’s atrocities in Gaza have gone beyond limits Innocent people are dying. Only 2 million people in Gaza are steadfast . Very bad condition in Gaza every 9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed . Severe food shortages have forced residents to survive on bread and Some are forced to eat leaves of trees, with any available food sold at high prices in northern Gaza But people are still trying to take it . The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that over 8,000 children under five in Gaza suffer from acute malnutrition, with 1,600 cases being severe in Gaza . the Gaza Health ministry said that 27 children have died from malnituration since the war started last october 2023.

the leaves of the tree and plants are being sold in the markets of Gaza

9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed .

In this 21st century, the leaves of the tree and plants are being sold in the markets of Gaza for consumption. The conditions in Gaza is so bad that many people cannot afford to buy them either . Conditions are so bad that people have nothing to eat . The famous Gazan da’i al-Sheikh Jihad Halis says In the 21st century, tree leaves are being sold and people don’t even have enough money to buy them, the situation is so bad . Everyone is silent, human rights activists and no international power is trying to solve this problem. People have nothing to eat, people are in such bad condition that they are forced to eat leaves of trees .Every 9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed Palestine children .

the leaves of the tree and plants are being sold in the markets of Gaza

Hunger has killed Palestine children .

UN human rights experts have warned that there is little doubt that the entire Gaza Strip has been trapped and many people have been deprived of even basic food .According to the Ministry of Health, it is still being reported in northern Gaza that 32 people, including 28 children, have died in hospitals in northern Gaza due to malnutrition and lack of water and food.

  More than 100,000 martyrs, wounded, and missing people in Gaza! The rest are starving and bombarded, and dying all the time!  Oh sorry! On this cowardly world, on all of us. The blood of innocents and hungry stomachs will curse us forever. Children in northern Gaza collect leaves to use as food due to the israeli made famine People are forced to eat leaves of trees .💔💔 . Millions of people are martyred, injured and missing in Gaza . The remaining survivors are dying all the time from starvation and disease .Aren’t they all fathers of children themselves? There are so many terrible conditions in Gaza, but no one is talking about it, everyone is silent It is a tragedy for us Muslims that we are silent Children in Gaza are dying of hunger and thirst and we sleep soundly in our beds at night . We must raise our voices against Israeli atrocities against children in Gaza And boycott Israeli products in your own countries . All Muslim brothers are requested to include the Muslims of Palestine in their dua (prayers). Israel During this time, they are being continuously bombarded . These infidels have no sense of innocent children . Unbelievable! I do not accept all this madness, all this cowardice! All this crimes!! All this genocide!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!🤬🇮🇱🤬


According to the report of the World Health Organization, more than 8 thousand children who are less than five years old And they are all malnourished . Since the beginning of the war in Gaza since the month of October, 27 children have died from lack of food, 21 and they are forced to eat this way. This is the 21st century and I have seen that in the markets of Gaza there are trees selling leaves and leaves of plants that people are using for food. The situation in northern Gaza is even worse due to lack of food, 23 people, including 28 children, have died in the hospital. Not even a sign

I see the dead bodies of the children of Gaza, the severed hands, the mutilated bodies, when I see the oppression of the helpless Rohingya women, I see their dignity being violated, when I hear the suffering of the women of Syria. The bellies of the oppressors have been filled with adultery, when I see the oppression of the Muslim in China, when I see the Hindus being beaten on the face of the Muslim in India, I feel a lot of shame, a life of shamelessness.

More than 100,000 people have been martyred in Gaza and this situation is a tragedy for Muslims because children in Gaza are dying of hunger and thirst and how many Muslim countries there are in the rest of the world but they are all in their own homes in their own countries. Sleeping peacefully Oppressed Muslim women, children, the elderly, the weak, these Buddhist terrorists are attacking them and killing them because of being Muslims, we Muslims don’t even know. In order to cure it, some young people have decided to wage jihad against them. Why is Jihad a blessing that has cured many evildoers recently like the whole European world and America has done in Afghanistan and Israel, America has been doing in Gaza.


      Bless you, Palestine, we are ashamed…..

9 out of 10 children in Gaza lack food for growth. Hunger has killed .


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